Want list API

Use this API to manage your want lists on ValoreBooks.


https://test.valorebooks.com/api/buyer/wantlist/{id} (qa)
https://api.valorebooks.com/api/buyer/wantlist/{id} (production)

POST Update buyer wantlist


Name Located in Description Type
id path Value 1-5 to indicate which Want List to be created Byte
name body The name assigned to a specific Want List String
poNumber body The purchase order assigned to a specific Want List String
shipmentDate body Day the shipment should arrive by, if not Weekly or Pallet (Format: YYYY-MM-dd, e.g. 2018-06-01) Date
shipmentFrequency body Weekly, Pallet, or Scheduled for this specific Want List String

Request Examples

    "poNumber": "ABC",
    "name": "WantList 1",
    "shipmentDate": "2019-11-10",
    "shipmentFrequency": "weekly"


200 Your wantList was created/updated
  "wantList": 1,
  "name": "WantList 1",
  "poNumber": "ABC",
  "shipmentFrequency": "Weekly",
  "expectedShipmentArrivalDate": "2019-11-10T05:00:00Z"
400 Bad Request
Missing or invalid wantList parameter
Failed to update wantList
Field shipByDate is required when changing shipmentFrequency to Scheduled
The shipmentDate cannot be changed because it is now past the expiration date.
The shipmentDate cannot be within 20 days after the current date or in the past.
403 No buyer found with given credentials
404 Could not find want list