Bid API (Multiple Want Lists)

Use these APIs to manage your bids on ValoreBooks, when multiple wantlist is enabled.

Routes (qa) (production)

GET Get a list of your open bids


Name Located in Description Type
isbns query List of ISBNs you want to see your bids for (max of 10) String
wantList query Value 1-5 to indicate which Want List’s open bids to return. Byte


200 A list of your bids
        "isbn": "9780321694331",
        "price": 75.75,
        "expirationDate": "2018-06-02T04:00:00Z",
        "quantity": 20
        "isbn": "9780321775658",
        "price": 150.00,
        "expirationDate": "2018-06-02T04:00:00Z",
        "quantity": 80
400 Bad Request
No ISBNs were provided
isbns param was not valid json list
Missing or invalid wantList
Could not find wantList {id} for buyer {buyerId}
500 Internal Error

POST Add, remove, and modify bids


Name Located in Description Type
isbn body ISBN action should be taken on String
price body Price to bid for the ISBN in dollars Number
quantity body Quantity of items wanted to bid on (set to 0 to delete the bid) Number
expirationDate body Date you would like the bid to expire Date-time
wantList query Value 1-5 to indicate which Want List’s open bids to return. Byte

Request Examples

Max of 10. The first is being created/updated, the second is deleted.
        "isbn": "9780321694331",
        "price": 75.75,
        "expirationDate": "2018-06-02T04:00:00Z",
        "quantity": 20
        "isbn": "9780321775658",
        "quantity": 0


200 Some or all of your requests were processed
First bid was created/updated and the second bid has been removed.
        "isbn": "9780321694331",
        "price": 75.75,
        "expirationDate": "2018-06-02T04:00:00Z",
        "quantity": 20
        "isbn": "9780321775658",
        "quantity": 0
First bid was created/updated and no action was taken on the second malformed bid request.
        "isbn": "9780321694331",
        "price": 75.75,
        "expirationDate": "2018-06-02T04:00:00Z",
        "quantity": 20
        "isbn": "9780321775658",
        "error": "Given expiration date is malformed or in the past."
400 Bad Request
Missing bid data or malformed request JSON
Not all bids have ISBNs present
Missing or invalid wantList
Could not find wantList {id} for buyer {buyerId}
500 Internal Error

DELETE Delete all of your existing bids


Name Located in Description Type
wantList query Value 1-5 to indicate which Want List’s open bids to return. Byte


200 OK
All of your existing bids have been deleted
400 Bad Request
Missing or invalid wantList
Could not find wantList {id} for buyer {buyerId} (qa) (production)

GET Get suggested pricing for ISBNs on your buy guide


Name Located in Description Type
isbns query List of ISBNs you want to see a suggested price for (max of 10) String


200 A list of suggested prices
        "isbn": "9780321694331",
        "price": 75.75
        "isbn": "9780321775658",
        "price": 150.00
400 Bad Request
No ISBNs were provided
Malformed ISBNs list
500 Internal Error